I’ve tried online dating since 2017 when I broke up with my ex-girlfriend and discovered it to be an exceedingly soul-destroying, self esteem battering, dispiriting and superficial process.
The worst part about it was that for a guy who had invested years into self development and personal growth to basically turn myself ‘oblivious’ to my vertical challenge and live a pretty confident life, my insecurity about my height started to slowly resurface and rear its ugly head.
It was somewhere at this point when I lost all hope that I decided I would delete all my apps and take my dating offline. I work in Finance which translates into long working hours and the inability to have an ordinary social life so it really left me with one viable option – cold approaching women.
Why cold approach women in the first place?
I know. It’s pretty strange to walk out of your front door and onto the streets of your city with the specific aim of flirting with multiple women.
The short answer: I hate online dating and I don’t have time to maintain and create the social circles needed to meet the kind of women I want to meet with the hours I work.
Slightly longer answer: It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to appreciate that short men find it much harder in the general dating world. Then you multiply that by how average looking men in general are severely disadvantaged in online dating. Put those two together and you’d paint a picture of how laborious and statistically improbable it is to get a decent date from an app on your phone being a guy of my stature.
What I learnt from doing nearly 200 approaches:
I haven’t been intentionally keeping count but I’d estimate having done around 170-180 cold approaches in London, Bristol, Prague and Los Angeles since I started doing this in 2017. Here is what I learnt:
- My height and looks are a limiting belief and they are just that:
Going into cold approaching having already had my self esteem lowered from online dating and the unrealistic height standards of it, one of the first things I was pleasantly surprised about was my height didn’t seem to matter as much.
In none of the interactions was it ever explicitly mentioned that I was too short to date the woman despite me almost consistently flirting with women taller than me (not hard when you’re 5’3”, really).
However, to be pragmatic, it almost certainly was a factor in a some of the interactions I had, i.e., the woman may have just said she’s not interested, lied about having a boyfriend, or gave me her number only to not reply because she didn’t want to be rude.
The point here is that previously my short stature would govern all actions I took. For example, my thought pattern would very much be “I’m short. The vast majority of women seem to have a preference for taller than average men. Hence, I shouldn’t even try as no women out there would like me”.
This was WRONG. The majority of women I ended up dating (or even sleeping with) were taller than me and seemed to be OK with my height. I never brought it up, not because I’m insecure about it, but because I just don’t think it’s worth bringing up.
2. It took me about 50 approaches to sleep with a woman and another 50 to sleep with a woman “out of my league”
The above are ballpark figures as I’ve done my approaches over the course of 3 years and I’ve only taken it seriously in the past 6 months (off which I’ve only spent 3 months actually approaching due to the COVID-19 pandemic).
While I hate putting these matters in numbers and statistics because it may dehumanise the process, I think a scientific approach takes precedence for my and your educational purposes.
The first 50 approaches gave me about 5 numbers and 2 dates (with different women), leading to me sleeping with 1 woman. I must emphasise here, that I have since learnt that this is earlier than average progress and will likely be different for you (see Point 5).
The following 50 led to about 15-20 numbers, 3 dates (with different women) leading to me sleeping with 1 of these women.
The final 70 lead 40 numbers, 4 dates (with different women) and me sleeping with one of these women.
The above is just what my progress looked like. Yours might be different. But it also reflects how time consuming this can be at the early stages and that you must learn to manage your own expectations. But that’s just dating in general. It’s a pretty important decision to find someone you’re (I’m assuming) intending to spend your life with. You better make sure you take your time and get it right.
3. It can be an emotionally draining experience if you’re not careful:
I’ve chosen to place this point right below the above, as you can tell from the very roughly drafted statistics that this is quite a time intensive operation. It’s difficult to not take an emotional blow when you come across someone who does not even explicitly reject you or acknowledge your existence but just looks down at you in disgust and carries on their way when you spent 10 minutes summoning the courage to go talk to them and tell them that you think they’re beautiful.
But for every 1 of those aforementioned nasty reactions, there’s a woman who will laugh and thank you profusely for complimenting her because she was having a bad day. Better still, if you stick with it, there will be interactions where you actually end up dating an amazing woman.
4. It is significantly better for my self esteem than any other form of dating:
OK. I should come clean and say I’ve only ever tried 3 types of dating: 1. Social Circle 2. Online Dating and obviously 3. Cold Approach. I’ve never gone down the speed dating or blind dating routes (except this one time that I actually got set up on one by a woman I cold approached).
If I’m honest, I found Option 3 to be, hands down, the best for my mental health and self esteem. As someone who suffers from Generalised Anxiety Disorder, I would go as far as saying that doing this was a form of therapy for me. The days I went out intentionally talking to women, I came home feeling like I squeezed every bit of the lemons life had given me that day and that even if I was rejected 20 times, that I at least tried and didn’t have to suffer the pain of regret.
That pain of regret when you’re mundanely walking down your street after a horrible day at work on a cold winter’s day and see this tall angelic brunette woman with big brown eyes smile at you as she passes you by and you wish. You wish with all your might that you had the courage and the prowess to be able to strike up a conversation with her but you don’t know how, so you keep walking along, your steps getting heavier and heavier. Later, when you’re in bed alone that night you let your mind drift to her and you think ‘what if?’. My life has now become about minimising that kind of regret.
5. It is not an exact science (it is sometimes not possible to tell if the girl actually likes you):
While I’m happy to share my experience, I want you to know that yours will likely be different. Theoretically, you might just speak to one woman who may turn out to be the love of your life, marry her, have 5 kids, build a house together and die in her arms. Alternatively, it might take you months before you get your first date. What’s important is that you keep trying.
You are your own person with your individual strengths, weaknesses and circumstances. Mine are having some natural charisma, life experience, humour and social intelligence but being a balding short guy with eye bags and ears large enough to give Dumbo a run for his money. You might be better or worse looking than I, or even ballsier and intelligent. Similarly, the women you will speak to are very unique people, with their own circumstances, trauma, prejudices and preferences. So it’s important to keep in mind that while you can follow certain techniques, methods and structures to talking to women, that these may not work and that it’s not your fault (and neither is it theirs in almost all cases).
You can have some of the most amazing interactions you’ve ever had where you feel the stars have aligned and you have this instant chemistry with this stunning woman that you just met aaaaaaannnnnnddddd she doesn’t respond to your text.
Alternatively, you may have some painfully awkward conversation with a girl at bus stop and hurriedly ask her for her number after a brief conversation before she gets on the bus – and she actually agrees to come on a date with you.
Remember, as much as you can form a general method to doing this, it isn’t a science. You’re dealing with people after all, not widgets and every person is different in their circumstances. Don’t take it personally.